April 19, 2013

My Addiction...to Sweat

Hi, my name is Caitlin and I have a crazy addiction to sweating. I am that crazy girl at the gym often twice a day. I love killing it in class and pushing myself to new levels.

I joined a local gym nineteen months ago, when I was done with DAT studying at the time with not a lot going on- no job, no real commitments- the gym was just something to do. Jealousy (eww) ultimately pushed me to join because my daily 3 mile speed-walks with Jaeger clearly weren't helping me kick the lazy bug.

I knew this person I was jealous of took spin/cycle classes so I convinced my friend and mom (because sidekicks make everything better) we were going to take a class. Let me be honest, that class was a-w-f-u-l. I thought I was going to die. Our instructor told us we had to come back for at least one more class before we could decide about spinning. I kept going to classes and I caught the bug! I started adding more classes during the week and before I knew it I braved a twice-a-day. Spin is a great class with low impact, high intensity and lots of resistance.

So how did I become an instructor? Especially so quickly. Just shy of a year since I first started, the group fitness manager, who also teaches great spin classes stopped me before our class and asked if I had ever considered becoming an instructor. She had complimented me before on my speed ability and endurance. I said, "well several people have suggested I get certified, but I've never really given it much thought." I talked with my family and they encouraged me to take the opportunity.

Before I knew it, I was signed up for training. Training was a great experience and there was so much energy in our class! After I figured, okay, I got certified but I was in no rush to apply. HA HA! She called me the next week and set up a time for another girl and I to practice. We were to come with a routine. I tried to backpedal out of this one. She then told us we would be auditioning that week. SAY WHAT! Mother nature had other plans that week. We had a hurricane coming and auditions were delayed! Hallelujah! Wait, more time to freak out, not good!

I finally got auditions over and done with, I thought I performed horribly. Wrong, I was called the next day. In true Caitlin fashion, I ignored the call and refused to check my voicemail. Ya, well she is persistent and called again and again. Finally I called to find out I was hired, I needed to sign paperwork and discuss availability. Oh and I was being paid....

I signed the paperwork and had two classes of my very own. "Don't forget you can pick up sub classes too." Okay, okay. Little did I know, I would quickly work my way to five classes and consistently subbing. I was committed to this little fun job. I am often told I am going to burn out, but I don't see that in the near future. You know the after workout high you get from endorphins and the feeling of getting something accomplished? It is an awesome feeling. Pretty hard to achieve the same caloric burn in any other class or on machinery.

I don't anticipate stepping away from spinning ever. It is my thing. Something I found that works for me. For the longest time I tried to be a runner. I jumped on the C25K bandwagon only to find out I had patellofemoral pain syndrome, which is really fancy for runners knee. I was a competitive swimmer in middle and high school. After being away from swimming in college, I realized I didn't miss the chlorine stench and the awful tan lines. My point: exercise is important to your physical and mental health. Just find something that you enjoy! Don't try to force yourself, find what works for you and you WILL fall in love with it too!

Here's to a little inspiration to get out there this weekend and try something new!

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