June 29, 2011

6/21: When Blogger didn't Cooperate

June 21, 2011 was National Wear Your Lilly Day. Of course I participated and I tried to blog about it in the morning, but Blogger was not cooperating with me. So I wanted to post my outfit anyways, even though a week has since passed.

I headed to the Yacht club midday with a friend. We headed out early, enjoyed lunch and drinks, spent some time laying out and hopped in the pool. And here is what I wore (I actually wore a print from last summer, but I recently purchased this one too and a matching cover up):

My skin sure wasn't happy post-yacht club. I'm not sure what happened other than my sunscreen was splotchy. I actually had a hand print around my knee and streaks on the top of my legs. I did reapply so I must be terrible with the sprays. I tried the new Neutrogena Wet Skin and used a Neturogena Ultra Sheer on my skin. I also had a hat and sunglasses so my face was extra protected. 

Of course, pictures linked to respective sources. 


Mexican Pasta Salad

I went to the grocery store today with my Mom when she suggested an old favorite recipe, Mexican Pasta Salad. I grabbed the ingredients on the way out (I could recall those) but I was unsure of the measurements. I googled to see what I could find and this recipe is pretty close, enough to make it work. I like that this pasta salad is different than the typical pasta salad.

This is what we came up with:

1 box shell pasta, I used Dreamfields elbows 
1 jar salsa, any
1 bunch green onion, chopped
1 1/4 cups mayonnaise 
Garlic salt, to taste (about 1 tablespoon)
pepper, to taste

1.  Cook pasta according to directions on box. Drain and rinse.
2.  In large bowl, combine all ingredients and stir to coat.
3.  Chill approximately one hour and serve.

Personally I enjoy it more when its warm. 


June 8, 2011

Breakfast Visitors

This morning, right after breakfast, my sister was standing in the living room when she saw a manatee hanging out by our dock. So obviously I grabbed my camera and ran out. The poor pups were locked inside because they are babies HATE the dock and stand there and bark. They actually stepped off the dock when they were puppies during a hurricane as we were experiencing very high tides.

This is when I first got outside. I didn't use the zoom on this picture. Literally right next to the dock!

Here you can see the baby manatee! I missed the perfect picture when they were next to our dock. I was messing with the camera settings when the baby came to the surface!

 This is a picture from a few weeks ago at dinner. The family of dolphins, all nicknamed Flipper, were swimming in. It looked like they were on their way home.

I am so blessed to call this place home! Growing up I saw so much sea life because of my Dad and where we live. Once there was a pregnant male seahorse attached to the bait bucket. My Dad is always observant and noticed him so my sister and I saw a pregnant seahorse up close and personal!


June 7, 2011

Sephora Haul

Saturday, I jumped at the opportunity to go to Tampa with my Grams and pickup her friend. We left with just enough time to swing by International Plaza and grab some things from Sephora. (We have Ulta locally and for odds and ends, I like them but, the employees are not too friendly and have little knowledge about products they carry.) I came home with:

I was so excited to get this product. Everyone has been talking about glycolic acid and I finally did too. I was going to get a Peter Thomas Roth gel, but the girl at Sephora showed me a handful of products and said she really liked this one. So far I really like it. I use it at night only. It doesn't burn, just leaves my skin a little tingly for five minutes or less. 

I have used Clinique products since I really started wearing make-up. This product is a staple in my skincare routine. 

I use this as blush even thought it is for all over color. I have also used this product for years. For basic day-to-day makeup I wear what I know works. 

I use this with my Clarisonic. I used to use an Olay face wash before the I received the Clarisonic at Christmas. I can't imagine using it now, the exfoliating beads were much bigger. I really like the exfoliating beads and the ones in this Bliss product are very small. I'm not sure I could use plain foaming face wash. 

I thought the price was a little steep, but I saw this lipgloss last time I was at Sephora and I've wanted it ever since. I love it. It is very shiny but it is a nice change. 

I saw this mascara in an Utla mailer. I like the brush and wanted to try another mascara to change it up. I normally wear Clinique 24-hour or Naturally Glossy. 

I have been searching for this eye palette since I saw Megan at PIMP post about it. The few times I had beenat Ulta, the shelf was empty. Sephora was sold out too and their website says "This product is in unusually high demand." I have a strong feeling Megan is partly responsible for this!

I managed to score this Smashbox Blush/Soft Lights Duo for $5 while I was checking out. It is full size too. It looks like it is available on ulta.com for $5 too!

As always, the pictures are linked to sources and where you can purchase.


June 3, 2011

Oh Louis

I am currently debating the pros and cons of purchasing this little baby...

We're talking a grand here. You know, just some change... My Mom says it investment piece, which it is, but I WANT it and know I don't NEED it. 

What do you think?

Happy Friday! 


June 2, 2011

Pink and Green Thursday

Double posting today to participate in Pink & Green Thursday with Pink Preppy Lilly Lover. I participated a while back when I was more regular with posting. I'm going to try to keep up now! 

This outfit just screams hot Florida summer wear. Now I just wish I had it on today! 

Each picture is linked to respective websites. 


What I'm Cooking: Blackened Steaks and Horseradish Cream with Butter Basted Potatoes

I found this recipe in the Publix Apron section while waiting at the deli. It was delicious and so easy to make. My Mom and I loved the potatoes. They were flavorful and different from the typical baked potato.

The recipe calls for grilling steaks. We used filet mignon. The Aprons card recommends sour cream for the potatoes; we didn't find it necessary. I also prepared corn-on-the-cob.

We will be making this meal again soon!


June 1, 2011

February to May Wrap-up!

The last time I posted was February 15th. Holy cow! And so much has happened since I last updated. 

School became hectic but I graduated May 1st and am now a UF alumna. Spring break and Easter where somewhere in there too. Dietetic matches were also released. Post graduation included packing and moving, fun at the yacht club and taking it easy. After a few days I cracked open the GRE books and crammed studied. The GRE is required for a Medical Masters program I am considering. The English section killed me and I didn't do as well as I hoped. Now I am waiting to see where I stand. Now it is time to open up the DAT prep books again and really start studying, not cramming, since this is my career goal. The applications opened today, so it is time to get serious! 

Graduation was wonderful! But I was sad to bid farewell to my friends. My family and and second family showered me with fabulous gifts. My best friend/adopted/second sister listened to me every time I rambled on and on about a brick in front of Ben Hill Griffin Stadium. They had to call my mother and make sure she didn't order one because they were. My sister had a Longchamp navy duffle monogrammed and gave me this Lodis wallet full of gift cards. My grandma gifted me a trip to anywhere and additional Exxon/Mobil stock. I am in LOVE with my Mom's gift. I spotted this gorgeous diamond and white gold key necklace while Christmas shopping for my sister. My Mom had me completely tricked. At Christmas  she gave my ball earrings from the same store and since forgot about the necklace, until I opened it up. I was ecstatic. I know keys are in right now, but this piece of jewelry is timeless. 

And this was my cap! (Those might look like rhinestones but they are pearls!) It was so me and I have to thank kt janes of Tampa, Florida for the monogram and their superb customer service. I was so late in ordering but she made it as soon as we hung up and overnighted it to me! 

I've been walking this sweet boy every night. He now expects his walk and whines waits at the front door in the evenings. He looked like he put on a few pounds while I was at school so I'm kicking his butt into shape. The exercise is good for me too by keeping my blood glucose lower without insulin. We are walking at least two miles nearly every night. 

I plan to blog more often, not daily but a couple times a week. I'm sure there is so much more I can add to this post, but I'm running for now! 
